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Golden Bantam Improved



Also known as: Twelve Row Improved

SKU: C003 Categories: , , Tag:

Product Details

Golden Bantam Improved (Yellow Sweet Corn)

Heritage: Massachusetts, USA

First introduced to the North American seed market in the early 1900’s by Burpee Seeds in Massachusetts. Golden Bantam (8-rows) led the way for the development of sweet eating corn varieties. In the early 1920’s this variety was further perfected to set 12-rows of kernels and retain eating quality longer on the stalk.

Plants grow to 5-6’ (150-180cm) in height, each bearing 1-2 cobs 7” (18cm) in length. Kernels are golden-yellow in colour and evenly set in 10-12 rows. This selection of Golden Bantam stays sweet and tender on the stalk longer than the original seed. Flavour is velvety sweet, but not overly sweet, on the day-of-picking. Retains flavour and sweetness when frozen. Bonus: Plants do a good job of tolerating tight spacing, and dry conditions. Matures in 70-80 days. (4 seeds/g)

Tips for Growing Scrumptious Corn! Corn is wind pollinated and does best when planted in block formation as opposed to single rows. It can be planted early in spring in a sunny location. Sow seeds 1-2” (2.5-5cm) deep, 12-14” (30-35cm) apart in rows. Alternatively, traditional Native agriculture suggests planting 3-5 seeds per mound, and adding pole beans around the sprouting corn once it has emerged. Keep well watered and fertilized. Applying a layer of mulch around the plants will help keep the soil moist and avoid weeding. Excellent planting companions for Corn are; pole beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash. Corn usually germinates within 5-10 days (65-85ºF/18-29ºC).

Cultivation Technique


50 seeds $2.75, 250 seeds $7.85
