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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Moss Curled Parsley


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown

Open-Pollinated          Also known as: Forest Green

SKU: H014 Categories: , , Tag:

Product Details

Moss Curled Parsley (Annual/Biennial)

Heritage: Greece, Eastern Mediterranean 

Believed to have originated in the Mediterranean. After spreading its way through Europe during the early 1400’s, it first appeared in a North American Seed Catalogue in the mid 1890’s. 

Semi-Compact, vigorous plants grow to 12” (30cm) producing beautiful bouquets of finely cut and curled dark green leaves. The leaves have a soft, moss-like texture and a fresh mild flavour! Far easier on the palate than its Flat Leave cousin. Enhances almost all savoury dishes. Super hardy, we can uncover green even under the winter snow! Grows well in both the garden and containers. Can tolerate some shade. Extremely decorative. Bonus: Cut yourself a couple leaves and give them a chew – they make a lovely breath freshener! To freshen the odor of a room put a bouquet of parsley in a vase! (650 seeds/g) 

Tips for Growing Perfect Parsley!  Parsley thrives best in well-drained fertile soil with full sun, and light afternoon shade. After the danger of frost has passed, plant the seeds ¼” (6mm) deep, gently cover with soil and tamp/press down so that the seeds are in contact with the earth. Lightly water, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not over-watered. Thin to 12” (30cm) apart, or less for growing in clumps. Harvest by cutting the stems, rather than just the top leaves! This will ensure a bushier, regenerating plant. In the second year, keep removing the flowers to encourage leaf growth. The best planting companions for Parsley are: tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, roses. Do not plant Parsley near garlic, or onions. Parsley usually germinates within 7-21 days (50-80ºF/10-26ºC)

Cultivation Technique


1 gram (650 seeds) $2.65
