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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Marché de Paris


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown

Open-Pollinated         Also known as: Tonda di Parigi, Parisian

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Product Details

Marché de Paris

Heritage: France

Developed in France in the early 1800’s to supply the Parisian demand for a more elegant, gourmet type carrot. Its popularity quickly spread throughout Europe, eventually making its way to North America around the mid 1850’s.

This unique French heirloom produces round, deep-orange roots best harvested between 1-2” (2-5cm) for optimal deliciousness. Superb sweetness and creamy textured bright orange flesh are melt-in-your-mouth tender when steamed, or roasted. This carrot does not need to be buried in a stew to be enjoyed! Also delicious as a crudité when fresh picked. Perfect for growing in heavy, or shallow soil areas. Shows good uniformity. Not recommended as a storage variety. Matures in 55-65 days. (800 seeds/gram)

Tips for Growing Crafty Carrots! Sow seed 2-3 weeks before last frost date no greater than 1/2”(1cm) deep in loose soil. Once seedlings emerge, they need to be thinned to no less than 1”(2.5cm) apart, or up to 3”(7cm) for broad shoulder varieties. For sweet tasting carrots ensure that your soil contains sufficient lime, humus, and potash. An overabundance of nitrogen coupled with a long, hot spell will cause a drop in flavour quality, regardless of the variety. Good planting companions for Carrots are; onions, leeks, rosemary, sage, leaf lettuce, tomatoes, and peas. However, they have a strong dislike for dill. Carrots usually germinate within 7-21days (50-75ºF/10-24ºC).

Cultivation Technique


1 gram (800 seeds) $3.65
