Product Details
Common Garden Sage (Annual/Perennial)
Heritage: Greece
Originally from the Northeast Mediterranean, this variety has now naturalized in North America.
Vigorous plants can grow up to 24″ (60cm) high, producing a cascades of soft green-grey, velvety leaves. Flavour and aroma are distinctly SAGE – strong woodsy musk, with a hint of eucalyptus. Excellent for stuffings, enhancing all types of fatty meats. Small light mauve flowers are a big attraction for bees and other pollinators. (250 seeds/g)
Tips for Growing Succulent Sage! Sage thrives best in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun – do not overwater. Sage does not do well in heavy, wet soils. Seeds are best planted directly into the soil in the cool days of Spring as soon as the danger of frost has passed. Sprinkle seeds sparingly on top of the earth or in row indentations. Cover with a light sprinkling of soil, no more than 3mm deep, and gently tamp/press down so that the seeds are in contact with the earth. Lightly water, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not over-watered. Plants can be thinned to 8” (20cm) apart. Sage can be cut repeatedly for the greens. The best planting companions for Sage are: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, rosemary. Do not plant Sage near cucumbers, and onions. Sage usually germinates within 7-21 days (65-75ºF/18-24ºC)