Product Details
Waltham Butternut (c.moschata)
Heritage: Massachusetts, USA
Originally bred by farmer Charles Leggett of Massachusetts in the mid1940’s. This variety was further developed at the Massachusetts Agricultural Extension Service in the mid 1960’s, and was an All American Selection Winner in 1970 do to its consistency in shape, size and quality of flesh.
Large plants produce thick blocky fruit up to 12” (30cm) long, and 5” (12.5cm) in diameter, weighing-in at 3-6 lbs (1.3-3kg). Smooth, light tan skin is thin, but sturdy. Exceptionally small seed cavity allows for an excess of delectable rich, dry, fine-textured bright orange flesh. When baked it develops a distinctive nutty flavour, reminiscent of the larger squash varieties. Productive and stores well. Some gardeners claim it’ s more resistant to vine borers than other varieties. Matures in 95-115 days. (11 seeds/g)
Trade Secret: Do to Waltham’s sweet flavour, smooth texture, and easy peeling ability, it is a favourite among commercial canners of pumpkin. Bet you didn’t know your favourite pumpkin pie may actually be made out of Butternut Squash! Pass the whipped cream!
Tips for Growing Succulent Squash! Squash are heat loving plants and are usually planted outdoors when the ground has warmed. Seeds can be started indoors, but we find more vigorous growth when direct planted. It is important to pick a sunny spot so the large leaves can dry-out easily early in the morning to avoid water-born diseases. Hill-up soil and plant 2-4 seeds 1” (2.5 cm) deep. Thin to no more than 2 plants per hill. To enhance the size of your Winter Squash, watch for early development of fruit and cut-off the new growth end of the vine to ensure all the energy is focusing on producing that one squash. Again, more sun produces larger fruit. For Summer Squash, frequent picking will promote continual production. The most suitable companion plants for Squash are; corn, beans and radishes. Do not plant near potatoes. They don’t play well together. Squash usually germinates within 7-10days (70-75ºF/21-24ºC).