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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Agrestal’s Summer Mystery Mix-Up!


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown

Who likes a Garden Plant Mystery?

SKU: AGM23 Category:

Product Details

Agrestal’s Summer Mystery Mix-Up!

This is a fun-filled garden adventure for anyone who enjoys time in the sun, or is looking for a family challenge in the backyard that also produces fresh, wholesome produce! Our summer Mystery Mix-up will provide you with 10 assorted Packages of Unlabeled Seed, and a Game Instruction Sheet. The mystery is yours to unfold! Grow the seed, identify the plant variety, and enjoy the deliciousness you have produced. Return your completed game sheet back to us by October 1st, 2024. For every mystery seed packet correctly solved, you will receive $1.00 off your next Seed Order, up to a total of $10.00!! Who wants to PLAY?!?

(Hint: All of the seed you receive is an identifiable variety offered on our website)

Cultivation Technique


10 Seed Pkgs, Game Sheet $19.99
