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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Southern Giant Curled


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown

Open-Pollinated         Also known as: Southern Curled Longstanding

SKU: GR003 Categories: , Tag:

Product Details

Southern Giant Curled (var. crispfolia)

Heritage: Southern States, USA

An old southern variety believed to be an ancestor of Asian greens, Giant Curled Mustard has been growing throughout the Southern USA since the early 1740’s. 

Plants grow large and upright, spreading out to 24” (60cm). The long oval leaves are a bright lime green with heavily curled lace edging. Outstanding mild mustard flavour when young, more of a snappy spice as they mature. A superb compliment for BBQ or cornbread. Hardy and vigorous, this variety is slow to bolt and can withstand warmer climates. Also tolerates cooler temperatures quite well producing a more mild flavoured mustard. Can be sown in spring or autumn. Extremely attractive as a fresh garnish and a super productive cut-and-come-again variety. Bonus: Young leaves are tasty sautéed with spinach! Matures in 35-55 days. (550 seeds/g)

Tips for Growing Marvelous Mustard! Direct seed outside once the soil begins to warm in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Plant 1/2” (1cm) deep, thinning to 12” (30cm) apart. Mustard grows fast, and is a cut-and-come-again green that you can start harvesting at 4 weeks. The most suitable companion plants for Mustard are; Celery, Corn, Dill, Peas, Onions. Mustard greens usually germinate within 5-7 days (75-85ºF/24-29ºC).

Cultivation Technique


1 gram (550 seeds) $2.25, 3 grams (1,650 seeds) $4.85
