Product Details
Calypso (Green Dry/Shelling Bush Bean)
Heritage: Caribbean and Quebec, Canada
The origin of this bean is centered around the Caribbean Islands. It is also believed that this bean was first consumed in North America by the Abenaki peoples living in the Lake Champlain region of Quebec.
Plants are relatively short and sturdy growing to 20″ (51cm). They produce an abundance of medium width green pods growing to 6″ (15cm) filled with the most stunning of beans. Deep black and white markings imitate creatures of nature such as the Orca whale. The beans are easy to cook, retaining a bit of their colour and design. The taste is very smooth due to the remarkable amount of starch this bean has for its size. A strikingly beautiful, fine textured baking bean, and a wonderful conversation piece. Bush. Matures in 70-80 days. (2 seeds/g)
Our Thoughts: Ever have a stressful day? Just grab yourself a bowl of dry Calypso beans and run them through your hands! Their smooth, shiny-selves give your fingers a delicate massage while your eyes become fixated with the dancing designs. I’m quite serious – they provide a natural reset for your tired, over-worked brain. Go grab yourself a bowl of beans and relax your day away!
Tips for Growing Bountiful Beans! When the soil has warmed, plant Bush Beans 1” (2.5cm) deep and 2-3” (5-7.5cm) apart. Bush beans are excellent planting companions for; Celery, Cucumbers, Strawberries and Corn. However, do not plant them near Fennel or Onions. Similar to bush beans, Pole Beans also require warm soil. Plant 2” (5cm) deep in hills around poles or corn stalks, against a fence support or around long branches tied together at the top to form teepees. Sow 4-6 beans per hill. For all varieties of beans, full warm sun and good air circulation between the plants is essential for growth, and disease resistance. Do not plant pole beans around Sunflowers – they have a mutual dislike for each other! Bush and pole beans usually germinate within 3-7 days (60-85ºF/16-29ºC).