Product Details
Peach Melba (Annual)
Heritage: France
Originating in South America and introduced to Europe in the early 1500’s by the Spanish conquistadors. Cultivated and selected for bloom and leaf traits in the gardens at the Palace of Versailles. They were given the name “Nasturtium” (nose-twister) from French Renaissance botanists in the early 1600’s. Introduced to North America by European Immigrants in the late 1750’s, and recorded growing in Thomas Jefferson’s garden as early at the mid 1770’s.
A unique variety, these bushy plants produce light green foliage and flowers that resemble the delicious dessert by the same name. Blooms are creamy yellow with slight variegations of peach accented by bright red throats. They are quite attractive! All parts of the plant are edible! Flowers add bright coloured petals to salads, and the leaves, a peppery snap to sandwiches. The flavour is quite similar to watercress. Nasturtiums are also a gardener’s best friend, providing both beauty and protection. For best flower production, do not fertilize or over water. An annual plant that is beautiful to look at, easy to care for, a helper in the garden, and a culinary delight! What’s not to LOVE!? (10 seeds/g)
Protects Against Predators: Squash Bugs, Aphids, White Flies, Caterpillars, Borers, Leafhoppers
Attracts Beneficials: Bees, Butterflies, Ladybugs, Lacewings, Hoverflies, Hummingbirds
Excellent Companion Plant for: Squash, Cabbage, Beans, Tomatoes, Basil, Chives, Kale, Peppers, Eggplant
Do Not Plant Near: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Potatoes, Cucumbers, Zucchini
Tips for Growing Snazzy Nasturtiums! Nasturtiums are an annual that thrives in well-drained poor to average soils. They need full sun all day, however, afternoon shade should be provided during extreme hot spells. They can be started in-doors, but we prefer to direct seed as soon as the danger of frost has passed. For best germination, soak seeds in warm water for 12 hours before planting. Plant seeds 1/2” (1cm) deep. Cover with soil, and gently tamp/press down so that the seeds are in contact with the earth. Lightly water, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not over-watered. Thin to 12” (30cm) apart. Do not over-fertilize, all you will have is greenery! Nasturtiums usually germinate within 7-21 days (55-70ºF/13-21ºC).