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Greek Oregano (Marjoram)



Also known as: Winter Marjoram

SKU: H008 Categories: , ,

Product Details

Greek Oregano (o.heracleoticum) (Perennial)

Heritage: Greece

Native to the mountainous terrains of Greece, this robust variety has now become naturalized in North America from Mexico to the Southern landscape of Canada. (Note: Greek Oregano is a member of the mint family and is not related to Mexican Oregano)

Plants are bountiful and lush, spreading growth low to the ground becoming as tall as 12″ (30cm) and 14″ (35cm) wide with tiny clusters of white flowers. Flavour and aroma of this variety tends to be the strongest of all Oreganos. Earthy, perhaps citrusy with a bit of pepper and camphor –  flavours we often associate with Mediterranean cooking. But, don’t forget, the overall essence of each Oregano variety is ultimately dependent upon the climate and soil in which it is grown. Regardless, it is excellent fresh or dried. Super robust, loved by bees, and flourishes in hot summers with dry soil!  Plus, the lifespan of this classic perennial beauty is between 5-6 years. What’s not to love!?! xox (8,000 seeds/g)

Tips for Growing Outstanding Oregano!  Oregano thrives best in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Shade is required during excessively hot afternoons. Oregano does not do well in heavy, wet soils. Seeds are best planted directly into the soil once the danger of frost has passed, and the soil has warmed. Sprinkle seeds sparingly on top of the earth or in row indentations. Cover with a light sprinkling of soil, no more than ¼” (6mm) deep, and gently tamp/press down so that the seeds are in contact with the earth. Lightly water, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not over-watered. Plants can be thinned to 6” (15 cm) apart, or left to spread in the direction of their choice! Oregano can be cut repeatedly for the greens. The best planting companions for Oregano are: zucchini, winter squash, beans, celery. Do not plant Oregano near watermelon and cucumbers. Oregano usually germinates within 10-15 days (65-75ºF/18-24ºC)

Cultivation Technique


1/4 gram (2,000 seeds) $3.25

Oregano thrives best in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun. Shade is required during excessively hot afternoons. Oregano does not do well in heavy, wet soils. Seeds are best planted directly into the soil once the danger of frost has passed, and the soil has warmed. Sprinkle seeds sparingly on top of the earth or in row indentations. Cover with a light sprinkling of soil, no more than ¼” (6mm) deep, and gently tamp/press down so that the seeds are in contact with the earth. Lightly water, ensuring the soil remains moist, but not over-watered. Plants can be thinned to 6” (15 cm) apart, or left to spread in the direction of their choice! Oregano can be cut repeatedly for the greens. The best planting companions for Oregano are: zucchini, winter squash, beans, celery. Do not plant Oregano near watermelon and cucumbers. Oregano usually germinates within 10-15 days (65-75ºF/18-24ºC)