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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Green Mung Bean



Also known as: Green Gram, Maash, Monggo

SKU: B042 Categories: , , ,

Product Details

Green Mun(Green Dry/Shelling Bean)

Heritage: India

This lovely little bean has a long history in the cuisines of India and Asia. The English word Mung was derived from Hindi.

Considered to be an outstanding source of protein, this little bean is easy to cook and very gentle on the digestive system. Taste profile is very similar to Lentils. Plants are capable of productive growth on a wide range of soils sometimes growing up to 36″ (90cm). The dark coloured pods can range between 3-5″ (7-12 cm) long, each holding up to 15 of these perfect small beans. They are cooked similar to other dry beans. Historically, a heat lovely plant they have been well acclimated to cooler climates if started early enough. Be sure to keep watered to enhance seed productivity. Pole. Matures in 90-100 days. (16 seeds/g)

Tips for Growing Bountiful Beans! When the soil has warmed, plant Bush Beans 1” (2.5cm) deep and 2-3” (5-7.5cm) apart.  Bush beans are excellent planting companions for; Celery, Cucumbers, Strawberries and Corn. However, do not plant them near Fennel or Onions. Similar to bush beans, Pole Beans also require warm soil. Plant 2” (5cm) deep in hills around poles or corn stalks, against a fence support or around long branches tied together at the top to form teepees. Sow 4-6 beans per hill. For all varieties of beans, full warm sun and good air circulation between the plants is essential for growth, and disease resistance. Do not plant pole beans around Sunflowers – they have a mutual dislike for each other! Bush and pole beans usually germinate within 3-7 days (60-85ºF/16-29ºC).

Cultivation Technique


25 seeds $2.75, 250 seeds $8.75

Mung beans prefer warm weather, so wait until the danger of frost has passed. Plant 4-5" (10-13cm) apart. Cover with soil up to 1" (2.5cm). Successive planting is suggested for a continuous supply. Keep well watered to enhance germination.