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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Golden Butterwax


Organically Produced


Also known as: Early Golden, Stringless Golden, Rustproof Golden

SKU: B031 Categories: , , , Tags: , ,

Product Details

Golden Butterwax (Yellow Stringless Bush Bean)

Heritage: Algeria

This bean is a close relative of the early yellow wax cultivars introduced from Algeria. Considered to be one of the oldest varieties still in production, the Golden Wax first appeared in Landreth’s Garden Seed Catalogue in 1871. One of the first seed companies on record, Landreth had its early beginnings in Montreal in 1780, then migrated to Pennsylvania and finally Vermont where their headquarters are located today!

Plants are relatively compact reaching up to 24” (60cm) in height. The flat 6″ (15cm) pods are crisp and buttery, with a nice smooth bite. Super productive, they are well acclimated to Northern climates. Excellent fresh, canned or frozen. Also makes a lovely dry/shelling bean. Plants demonstrate excellent disease resistance. Bush. Matures in 50-60 days. (4 seeds/g)

In case you were wondering, “wax” beans are yellow in colour and do not contain any chlorophyll. The word “wax” is also used to describe the smooth texture of the bean. When it comes to nutrients, yellow beans contain the same amount as green beans and are equality, if not more delicious!

Tips for Growing Bountiful Beans! When the soil has warmed, plant Bush Beans 1” (2.5cm) deep and 2-3” (5-7.5cm) apart.  Bush beans are excellent planting companions for; Celery, Cucumbers, Strawberries and Corn. However, do not plant them near Fennel or Onions. Similar to bush beans, Pole Beans also require warm soil. Plant 2” (5cm) deep in hills around poles or corn stalks, against a fence support or around long branches tied together at the top to form teepees. Sow 4-6 beans per hill. For all varieties of beans, full warm sun and good air circulation between the plants is essential for growth, and disease resistance. Do not plant pole beans around Sunflowers – they have a mutual dislike for each other! Bush and pole beans usually germinate within 3-7 days (60-85ºF/16-29ºC).

Cultivation Technique


50 seeds $2.25, 250 seeds $7.85
