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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

White Albino


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown


SKU: BT005 Categories: , Tags: ,



2 grams (240 seeds) $2.50, 6 grams (360 seeds) $5.85

White Albino

Heritage: Netherlands

Developed in the Netherlands for European taste buds, this heirloom slowly made its way into North American cuisine.

The round roots are relatively smooth and completely white – that means no staining. Hallelujah! Flavour is mild and delicious, almost identical to red varieties, with just a touch more sweetness. Adds interest to the usual pickled beet jars. The greens are also quite delicate and packed with vitamins. They do have a tendency to turn grey if overcooked. A  gourmet variety worth trying! Matures in 50 days. (120 seeds/g)

Tips for Growing Bodacious Beets! When the soil has slightly warmed sow seeds ½” (1cm) deep. Space them 1” (2.5cm) apart if planting solely for use of their greens, and 3” (7.5cm) apart if your preference is for use of the root. Beets enjoy a location providing full sun, and well drained soil. Adapted to growing in cooler conditions, they excel in spring and late summer when the days are warm, and the nights cool. The most suitable companion plants for Beets are: bush beans, onions, and lettuce. Beware: pole beans and beets do not get along! Beets usually germinate within 5-10 days (55-80ºF/13-27ºC).

Cultivation Technique


2 grams (240 seeds) $2.50, 6 grams (360 seeds) $5.85
