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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Black Spanish (Round)


Organically Produced, Hand-Grown

Open-Pollinated         Also known as: Noir Gros Rond, Erfurter

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Product Details

Black Spanish (Round)

Heritage: Spain

It is believed that the Eastern Mediterranean region, of what is now called Syria, was the place of origin. However, this variety has deep roots within the historical cultivation and cuisine of the Conquistadors throughout the 1500’s. Its arrival to North American gardening is recorded as the early 1800’s.

Extra-large roots are round growing to 3” (7.5cm) in diameter. Skin is black with a cork-like appearance, but don’t be fooled! Inside is crisp, solid, snow-white flesh. When first harvested the flavour is strong, pungent and mustardy, quite overbearing really. Now here is the secret – if left to “relax” in your cold cellar for 3-4 months it becomes the most wonderfully pleasing, mild tasting radish you will ever eat! Plant this variety in June-July and harvest with carrots and potatoes for winter storage. Exceptionally good keeper. Matures in 55-65 days. (120 seeds/g) 

Tips for Growing Radiant Radishes! Radishes are one of the most versatile vegetables to grow. Forgiving of almost all soil types, they do need sun and can be planted as soon as the ground can be worked. Sow seeds 1/2” (1cm) deep and thin to 2” (5cm) apart. Provide ample water so that they grow quickly and avoid becoming corky. Radishes are excellent companion plants with squash, beans, cucumbers, melons, carrots, parsnips, peas, and spinach. They also have a particularly good relationship with lettuce. Do not plant radishes near hyssop. Radishes usually germinates within 4-7 days (45-85ºF/7-30ºC)

Cultivation Technique


2 grams (240 seeds) $2.25, 6 grams (720 seeds) $5.45
