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Welcome to Agrestal Organic Heritage Seed Co

Fordhook Giant



Also known as: Burpee’s Large Ribbed



3 grams (240 seeds) $2.25, 9 grams (720 seeds) $5.50

Fordhook Giant

Heritage: Pennsylvania, USA

Recorded growing in North America as early as the mid 1750’s, it was not until much later that Atlee Burpee further refined this strain of chard introducing it in his early 1930’s seed catalogue.

Vigorous plants grow to 24” (60cm) tall producing thick mint green-white stems 2-3” (5-8cm) across. Broad leaves are a delicious dark green and heavily crinkled, with white veins. Flavour is earthy, and very savoury. Non-stop producer from early spring to under snow cover. Only when the temperature hits deep freeze will it finally stop producing. Excellent choice if you like lots of greens. We are in love with the crunchy white stocks! Matures in 50-60 days. (80 seeds/g) 

Tips for growing Savoury Swiss Chard! Swiss Chard thrives in cooler weather so plant as soon as the soil can be worked. Sow seeds 1/2-1” (1-2.5cm) deep. Thin to 10-12” (25-30cm) apart. Swiss Chard enjoys a location providing full sun, and well drained soil, but will tolerate some shade. Good companion plants for Swiss Chard are; onions, lettuce. Swiss Chard usually germinates within 5-10 days (55-80ºF/13-27ºC).

Cultivation Technique


3 grams (240 seeds) $2.25, 9 grams (720 seeds) $5.50

Swiss Chard thrives in cooler weather so plant as soon as the soil can be worked. Sow seeds 1/2-1” (1-2.5cm) deep. Thin to 10-12” (25-30cm) apart. Swiss Chard enjoys a location providing full sun, and well drained soil, but will tolerate some shade. They are suitable companion plants for onions, and lettuce. Swiss Chard usually germinates within 5-10 days (55-80ºF/13-27ºC).