Product Details
Frosty “The Snowman” (Shell Pea – edible Pea)
Heritage: Idaho, USA
Developed by the Rogers Brothers Seed Company, and introduced to gardeners in the mid 1960’s.
Vigorous plants grow up to 4ft (1.2m) producing masses of straight, dark green pods and 3-4” (7-10cm) long. Robust pods each contain 7-8 tender peas. Very smooth taste with just the right sweetness. The pods are also wonderfully sweet and flavourful – too bad they are stringy! This is a super early variety that we have planted in frosty spring snow (hence, the nick-name). Excellent hardy variety for variable cool weather and short seasons. Delicious fresh or cooked. Freezes well – no kidding! One of our Favourites! Matures in 60-65 days. (5 seeds/g)
Tips for Growing Precious Peas! Peas are quite versatile tolerating a wide range of temperatures including light frosts. They are best suited to top production in the cooler weather of early Spring, or Autumn. Peas can be planted in both seasons to get a double crop in one season. As soon as the ground can be worked, plant seed 1” (2.5cm) deep and 2” (5cm) apart. Peas have no problem with crowding, but must have trellis or fence support. Full sun and moisture are essential. The most suitable companion plants for Peas are; corn, carrots, radishes, mustard and cucumbers. Do not plant near onions or garlic. Peas usually germinate within 5-7 days (50-75ºF/10-24ºC)